Microsoft exam result and score report
Minimum score to pass an exam
When you take a Microsft exam you need to go over a minimum passing score. For technical exam the score is 700, for Office exams the minimum passing score depends on the specific exam.
The scale is 1 to 1000, where 1 define the lowest score and 1000 the highest score.
How the score is determined
The points are not directly related to the percent. By instance, 700 is not corresponding to 70% of the answers. Points are scored based on the difficult and on the complexity of the question.
The good side is that you do not get any penalty if you made a mistake. If you think one answer is better than another, just go for it! Is better to answer wrong than to not answer at all.
When the exam is scored
You will see your score immediately after the exam is finished. The score will be available in the PearsonVue and Microsoft portal within 24 hours.
The only exeption is about beta exam. In case of beta exam, the score is available about 10 days after the official release of the exam.
How to access your score report
Score reports are available online for exams taken with Pearson VUE and Certiport.
To access your Pearson VUE score report:
Follow the direct link , login with your Microsoft account (you should use the MCID that took the exam) and you will reach the PearsonVue page

Once you are here, you can access Exam History and Score Report

Once you click the View button, a PDF file with your score report will be generated.

If your exam was taken through Certipot, log into your Certiport dashboard.
How do I read an exam score report?
The score report is pretty simple and at the same time contains precious information:
We will see our score, the status pass/fail, a bar with the performance in each skill area. This last part is very important as it helps us to understand where we can do better. Lower it is better we can do.
I failed the exam. What to do now?
Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. You can read your score report, understand where to do better, and retake after 24 hours from the first attempt. If you fail again, there is different waiting time. Please read more at Exam retake policy.
If you want to know more about Microsoft exams , Discover more about exam duration and question times.
If you want to learn more about Microsoft Certification value, have a look at Value of a Certification!